Do you really have that kind of trust?

by Scott Vance on January 26, 2022

1 Samuel 13:1-15 (click here to read the scripture)
In this passage, things start to change dramatically.  We begin to see the flaws of Saul and wonder about this new king and as we continue to read from this point forward, there is an amazing contrast that we’ll see between the kingship of Saul and that of David.
Here in this passage, I found myself having to really think about what’s going on in the conversation between Saul and Samuel.
As I think about Saul’s actions, on the surface, they look reasonable considering his circumstances, but we must pay attention because Saul’s heart is revealed. 
You see, it’s an interesting relationship between God and the king.
God establishes a king, but also a prophet to speak His word to the king. 
God is still king and the degree to which the king of Israel obeys or disobeys the word of the Lord as spoken by the prophet determines if he is a good or bad king.
In this case, it is revealed that Saul isn’t a good king, and he isn’t pursuing God’s heart.  He is failing to obey the command of the Lord as given to him through the prophet Samuel.  Instead, he is pursuing what he, himself thinks is right.
The result is that Saul fails to keep the command of God and the Lord will appoint another king, one after His own heart.   Already a new king is on the horizon - King David.
As I read the passage, the thing that hits me is that there is absolutely no trust in the Lord on the part of Saul.  Verse 12 is very revealing when Saul says, “I forced myself” when he is talking about the offerings.  It reveals his heart.  Remember his situation, he is facing a massive enemy and in the face of this massive army, Saul’s army is getting smaller and smaller as the people flee. 
When Samuel doesn’t show up soon enough for Saul, Saul then does what he knows he shouldn’t do to keep people from fleeing.  Saul fails to trust the Lord and takes matters into his own hands and Samuel spells out his failure and the consequences for him in verses 13-15.
I Trust God is an easy thing to say but to really live it out can be tough at times.  The question is how do we gain unshakable trust in the Lord?  The answer is simply to grow in knowing, really knowing the Lord, and to seek the heart of Jesus.  There is a great promise from scripture if we deliberately and intentionally seek the Lord:
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.  Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.    James 4:7-8  ESV
That is a great promise in whatever context you find yourself.
My encouragement for you and for myself as well is this: follow the Lord with all your heart. Pursue Him, know Him, listen for the voice of the Lord and follow where He leads in His timing.  Who would you rather trust with your life?  Yourself, with your own limited understanding, or the unlimited knowledge, wisdom, love, and power of God the Father who pours out His unlimited love and grace on our lives?
God bless you and know that you are constantly in my prayers.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh
and refreshment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:5-8  ESV


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