Can You Hear Him?

by Scott Vance on January 24, 2022

1 Samuel 11 (click here to read the scripture)
One of the most difficult things for me to do is just be in a quiet space.  No distractions, no cell phone chimes, no television, no music.  Just being silent for a few minutes each day is a challenge because I’m typically going and doing or watching something constantly.  However, when I do manage to get quiet for a bit, I’m always amazed as I come to recognize the presence of Jesus with me and feel the tug of His leading on my life.
I was thinking about that as I read this chapter and how the Lord was working and moving in Saul’s life.  This chapter marks Saul’s eventual acceptance as king and a moment of renewal in Israel. Saul had already been anointed as king, but this is the first time we see him acting like a king.  It’s also a shining moment, probably the only one for Saul as king, when he is moved by God’s Spirit, (verse 6).  At the heart of this passage is the question of deliverance.  The people of Jabesh are looking to be delivered, Saul promises them deliverance, and deliverance is what happens at the conclusion of the narrative.
The thing that catches my attention is the Spirit of the Lord rushing upon Saul (vs. 6).  The truth is, when we try to do anything on our own without first centering on Jesus, we’re probably going to get mixed results at best.  This is seen in later on Saul’s life and leadership.  But, when we center ourselves on Jesus and follow His leading, the results can amaze us and exceed our expectations. 
The key is to pursue the Lord in prayer, seeking His guidance and direction, being open to where He is leading, and then to follow.  This is not only regarding ministry efforts but also in connection to effective living.  Look to Jesus as the example.  He constantly waited on God’s timing and was open to the Spirit’s leading.  He took time in the morning to seek the Lord before anything else (Mark 1.35, Matthew 14.13, Luke 4.42) If this was the practice of Jesus, how much more do we need to do the same?
I’m challenged today to be open to the Spirit’s leading.  A big part of that for me is to get quiet.  I want to challenge you to set up something for yourself that’s a little different.  I want you to take a fast from noise.  Shut down the music in the car, turn off the radio, take a break from streaming for a bit, and take that time to talk with God about anything and everything.  Don’t try to make it spiritual, just start talking to Him about your relationships, what you’re worried about, what you enjoy from Him and thank Him for anything that comes to mind.  Speak out loud and share a highlight from yesterday as well as a low point.  You will be in for an amazing conversation if you’ll give it space and silence.
The Spirit is always moving, the Lord is always speaking, Jesus is always calling.  You’re going to be surprised what you can hear when you get quiet.
God bless you and know that I am praying for you.


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