John 9 (ESV)The Miraculous SignCLICK HERE!I want to do things a little differently for the next few devotionals. I want you to read the entire chapter as this is one long narrative. It’s a gripping account and it pulls us in as we wonder how things will turn out.
To access the chapter simply click on CLICK HERE above.
The narrative that’s here is amazing and it’s a great summary of all the things that we’ve been reading about so far.
The narrative begins as Jesus and the disciples encounter a man who was blind from birth and that sparks a question from the disciples, “Who sinned that this man was born blind—the man or his parents?”
It’s an understandable question in that cultural context as the disciples are putting their finger on the way Jewish people viewed God’s actions.
They had this law and order approach to understanding the nature and character of God, one which was applied to their presuppositions and understanding of the nature and character of the Messiah.
It’s also an image that we have of Jesus from time to time. Sometimes we think that Jesus is only concerned with rules and regulations, and if you don’t follow them, you’re in trouble and you’ll have to face some consequences. That mentality comes out in this chapter.
In this cultural context, if someone sins, if they break the law, then there are consequences.
Regarding this man who has been blind from birth, the disciples see his present condition and believe that it has to be the result of a previous sin, but whose sin is responsible for the man’s condition; the man’s or his parents that he was born blind?
Jesus responds that it’s no one’s fault that this man was born blind, but that God’s work is going to be displayed in this man’s life.
Jesus is going to do something about this man’s suffering.
So, Jesus spits on the ground, makes mud out of the saliva, wipes it on the man’s eyes, and tells the man to go and wash up.
Then the incredible happens, after the man washes away the mud he can see! For the first time in his life, he—can—see!
Can we even possibly imagine what that would be like?
Not to stretch things too far, but I think, if we’re being candid, we all must admit that we have some blind spots in our lives. These blind spots are the areas of our lives where we haven’t truly and fully trusted Jesus. Perhaps it’s with a difficult relationship, it might be with our careers, or in our play. Perhaps we’ve come to the place where we’ve compartmentalized our lives—this is my church life, and this is the rest of my life. It could be an unresolved hurt in our lives where forgiveness needs to be offered or received.
Or it could be any number of places or ways in which we are not mindful of Jesus.
Where do you need to let Jesus open your eyes to His presence, healing, love, and peace?
God bless you and know that I’m praying for you constantly.